
Погода (weather)

Погода (weather)

weather[ ˈwɛðər ]погода

Type of weather

cloud[ klaʊd ]облако
degree[ dɪˈgri ]градус
degrees[ dɪˈgriːz ]градусы
fog[ fɑg ]туман
hurricane[ ˈhɜrəˌkeɪn ]ураган
lightning[ ˈlaɪtnɪŋ ]молния
rain[ reɪn ]дождь
snow[ snoʊ ]снег
storm[ stɔːm ]шторм
strong wind[ strɔŋ wɪnd ]ветер
sun[ sʌn ]солнце
thunder[ ˈθʌndər ]гром
thunderstorm[ ˈθʌndərˌstɔrm ]гроза
wind[ wɪnd ]ветер

rainfall[ ˈreɪnˌfɔl ]ливень

Прилагательные (Adjective)
cloudy[ ˈklaʊdi ]облачный, облачно
cold[ koʊld ]холодный, холодно
cool[ kul ]прохладный, прохладно
dry[ draɪ ]сухой, сухо
foggy[ ˈfɑgi ]туманно
hot[ hɑ:t ]жарко
rainy[ ˈreɪni ]дождливо
snowy[ ˈsʌni ]снежно
sunny[ ˈsʌni ]солнечно
thundery[ ˈθʌndərɪ ]грозовая погода, предвещающая грозу
warm[ wɔrm ]тепло
wet[ wet ]влажно
windy[ ˈwɪndi ]ветрено

  1. It is very hot in Mexico - it is often 45 degrees there in summer.В Мексике очень жарко It is very cold in the Arctic - it is often minus 50 degrees there. It can be very wet in London - carry an umbrella when you go sightseeing there. It is very dry in the Sahara - it doesn’t often rain there. A hurricane is a very strong wind. A storm is when there is a strong wind and rain together. A thunderstorm is when there is thunder, lightning, rain and sometimes wind together.

  1. What's the weather like?
    What's the weather like?
  2. What's the weather like today?
    Какая сегодня погода
  3. It's sunny

Future Simple - Будущее

  1. I think that it will be sunny on Saturday
    Я думаю, что будет солнечно в эту субботу ?

  2. Ссылки по теме:

    1. youtube.com